


Keep Love Company

Remember the day you became a proud fur mom or dad? Maybe you stocked up on pet supplies for weeks, or perhaps you stumbled upon a stray and couldn't resist taking them in. Either way, we want to hear your story to celebrate the upcoming National Pet Parents Day!!

Tell us all about that furry bundle of love that stole your heart.

Rewards & Prizes

Golden Prize for 1 winner
$100 Amazon gift card + Owltron Cam O1

Silver Prize for 2 winners
Owltron Cam O1

Furry Family Story

@odin_le_danois: "It is said that good things come to those who wait. Well, although the thing I got is great, I did wait. Odin, a Great Dane, was a childhood dream. My cousin and I used to play games to see who would, in a given period of time, list the most breeds of dogs. As we grew older, the competition kept going; this time, the winner was the one who was going to get the greatest dogs of all first: the Great Dane. She beat me, of course. I am not sad, however. Odin is more than I ever wanted: a companion, my photography model, my Covid anchor, my confidant, my pride and joy. When I met my husband, I told him that I had two dreams: a boat and a dog. A boat, I didn't care which. A dog, a Dane. For 27 years, we met in the middle, having had several medium to large wonderful dogs, from German Shepherds to a Maremma, to hounds. But a dream is a dream, and I kept hoping. Finally, three years ago, with retirement looming, my husband told me to go get that Great Dane. His words did not fall into deaf ears, and my dream sure came true."

@rosieroothecockapoo__: "I had followed the breeder on Instagram for a few years. A post came up about a little cockapoo girl becoming available at the last minute. I instantly had this overwhelming feeling she was meant to be for me. It was the right time in my life. I messaged the breeder then a week later I went & collected her. She was this little tiny ball of fluff & weighed 2.6 pounds. She came running up to me. I picked her up in my arms & just knew she was for me. I brought her home & she’s been an absolute dream. I really couldn’t imagine my life without Rosie now.
In the pictures on the left Rosie is 9 weeks old & on the right is her at 6 months old❤🐾"

@elsa_themaltipoo: "Let me take you back to the start, Elsa was a gift from my family for graduating from University with a children’s nursing degree. I chose Elsa out of her little of 1 brother and 2 sisters, upon immediately setting eyes on her I knew she was the one. She ran up to me and gave me a little lick on my face and that was the only sign I needed.
Elsa has always been full of energy, full of life and full of personality. She’s a sassy little princess who never fails to put a smile on everyone’s faces. Once minute she’s sitting posing for a photo all neatly groomed and the next she’ll be running through all the mud and puddles on a walk. She brings happiness and laughter no matter where we are, and everyone always notices her cheeky little side.
She also had a loving, delicate and sensitive side. She’s always been able to recognise when I need extra love or when I need to be cheered up. As a nurse I see some of the most heart-breaking scenes most will never witness in their lives.
Elsa always knows when it’s been a hard day and she’ll instinctively cuddle in closer and not leave my side. A year ago, she passed her assessment and became and qualified therapy dog because I wanted to share her loving nature with other people who need it. She comes into work with me and brings so much light and laughter to children who have or are expediting the most distressing times of their life.
Elsa is one in a million and I know nothing will ever replace her wonderful personality. We spend our days together; exploring new places, meeting new people and making memories. Memories that will be cherished forever."

@merlin_the_maltipoo: "I will never forget the excitement I felt the day we got in the car and set off on a 3 hour journey to go and pick up our furry 4 legged friend, Merlin. As soon as I locked eyes with his nervous little face I knew he was the one for me!
He cried the whole way home but soon felt comfortable when he got to see all of his brand new toys, treats & lovely fluffy bed.
Overall my experience from the start of choosing Merlin over the past year and a half have been amazing, we have made some fabulous memories & a bond that will never be forgotten in years to come."

What Others Are Sharing

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